ADVANCED PAIN PROCEDURESWe use the most advanced, effective and evidenced based treatment methods including:
Dry NeedlingAn advanced treatment in which a mono filament needle is used to treat a variety of neuro-musculoskeletal issues by stimulating and normalizing the healing process.
Joint ManipulationWe practice a very safe and gentle form of joint manipulation that is extremely effective for numerous conditions.
Osteopathic Manual TherapyTreatment that focuses on healing the body through restoration of blood flow, joint mobility, muscle function, and nervous activity.
Vacuum TherapyTreatment for blood flow, myofascial restriction, scar tissue remodeling and muscle tightness)
Advanced Pain ModalitiesLaser therapy, US, deep intramuscular stimulation, Neural sensation re-education, nerve reactivation and more.
Performance Optimization