Not all headaches are the same and symptoms of each type will differ. Headaches such as tension-type, migraines and cervicogenic have vascular, nervous, muscle, and joint issues involved. We specialize in treating and correcting all pain causing aspects of a headache to achieve lasting relief.
Tension headaches are the most commonly diagnosed headache with 69% of men and 88% of women developing a tension headache sometime during their lives. The typical tension headache involves:
Pressing or Tightening on both sides of head
Mild to moderate intensity
Pain not aggravated by physical activity
No nausea or vomiting
Possibly sensitive to light or sound
In order to effectively treat tension headaches we must correct the abnormal activity of the central nervous system (brain). Though the muscle pain from a tension headache is likely caused by this abnormal activity, it too must be addressed for long term resolution.
Cervicogenic Headaches
A headache generated from a dysfunction of the muscles and nerves in the neck. It is often associated with:
Pain increases with neck movements
Pain usually limited to one side but may radiate to eye and down to the back
Accompanied by tight or spastic neck or shoulder muscles
Decrease neck motion one side (not necessarily the painful side)
These headaches are different from traditional migraines, sinus headaches, tension type headaches etc., and require a slightly different approach to long-term resolution. We must correct the muscle, nerve, and joint dysfunction at the cervical spine in order to resolve the headache issues.
Migraine headaches are likely the most disabling type of headache. The typical migraine headache involves pounding headaches, nausea, vomiting and light sensitivity. In order to effectively treat migraines we start to address the "trigger" of your migraine.
Sometimes this trigger is from a nerve or muscle irritation. If that is the case we have excellent results relieving or preventing the migraine.